- 影片聚焦铁原阻击战。1951年5月,中国人民志愿军第63军刚刚结束了持续一个月的作战,就受命进驻铁原战场,正面对抗“联合国军”4个师。志愿军将士们浴血奋战,终于把敌军打上了谈判桌。 为了完成任务,63军189师的战士化整为零,把自己变成一根钉子,牢牢钉在阵地上。 1营阵地上,身为营教导员的李想(朱一龙 饰)立下“一步也不会再退”…
- Young Darwin is feeling bored in his Yucatan village. Playing games on his parents' phone or using the forest as a playground with his brother doesn't help shed his gloom. So he decides to find out if Shaman Charli's stories are true and plucks up the courage to visit a forbidden cave.