- The story revolves around three hobos: Brindille, Casquette and La Flèche. Every Tuesday, Brindille and Casquette play the lottery. They lose, but, for a brief moment, they allow themselves to dream. This Tuesday, it’s La Flèche who buys a…
- Vor der Kamera stehen Lars Eidinger ("25 km/h", "Mackie Messer – Brechts Dreigroschenfilm") als STERN-Journalist Gerd Heidemann und Moritz Bleibtreu ("Der Baader Meinhof Komplex", "M – Eine Stadt sucht ei…
- Through animation and reenactment, You’ve Never Been Completely Honest brings to life Gene Church’s original, never-before-heard interview recounting the harrowing physical torture and brainwashing he endured at a secretive, four-day busin…
- With the doctor's announcement to a young wife that an unexpected and sudden terminal illness will bring death to them by morning, the wife fights her selfish nature and decides how she and her husband will spend their last night together.
- Bolivia, the 80's. Drug dealing burst into a small town 16 year-old Genoveva tries to survive the nuns at school, her hostile classmates, her hopeless parents and men with guns. Everything changes when she meets her mother's spiritual leader.