搜索 Baud

  • 玛西亚,一个肥肥的女孩,布宜诺斯艾利斯一个内衣店工作。两个瘦瘦的女孩,一个名叫蕾妮,一个叫玛奥,她们行为怪异。两条线同时进行,互不相关,也看不出蹊跷。但两条线总要交叉,当蕾妮在玩电玩的时候,她看到了玛西亚走过,然后就跟着她,拉住她,告诉她:她爱她。玛西亚半推半走。从看到的第一眼她就爱上了她,她想抚摸她的身体,她想舔她的…
  • Having been falsely court marshaled for cowardice and sentenced to prison by the Army, Jed Kilton escapes and heads to Nevada Springs to see his kid brother. There he meets his old school friend Sam Ballou. But the two old friends soon find themselves on opposite sides and Sam has Jed arrested. Then when Jed's young br…
  • 法国1962年罗伯特·布列松经典名作之一,弗罗朗丝德莱(《夜行列车》)主演,荣获戛纳电影节评委会大奖、人道精神奖。本片是影史上第4部根据圣女贞德传奇改编的影片,是布列松继《越狱者》、《扒手》后,在结构主义及简约风格的特色上最圆熟的作品,圣女贞德的含冤莫辨,透过导演丰富的电影语言说得十分清楚,布列松一向重视电影的声音、影像、语…
  • 电影Halibut Point的前传作品。由于各种原因,《Halibut Point》最后未能完成。不过在拍摄初期,这个短片作为Halibut Point的前部分被保留了下来。
  • 弗兰克,一位住在精神病院的70岁老人,制作了一部电影,希望能够至少让他40年前的两位前女友——丽娜和芭芭拉——中的一位回到他身边。机缘巧合下,这两位心存怨恨的情敌相遇并得知弗兰克对自己的背叛。她们发誓要报复弗兰克,带着一根魔棒、一杆猎枪回到了过去……The ensemble film THE GENITAL WARRIORS takes a look at…
  • Attorney Tom Cardigan is the discontented "mouthpiece" for Vanny Powers' mob. When Tom takes sweet June Perry as his mistress, she tries in vain to redeem him. But Powers decides Tom would be even more useful to him as District Attorney, which he arranges with surprising ease...despite Tom's warning that &quo…
  • This made-for-video documentary treats classic movie fans to a behind-the-scenes look at the making of To Catch a Thief, Alfred Hitchcock's 1955 thriller about a retired catburglar who must track down a new thief before he takes the blame for the newcomer's crimes. Includes interviews with Hitchcock's daughter, Pamela,…
  • Thérèse Ravenaz is a charming young woman but also the victim of a seducer who abandoned her as soon as he was told she was expecting a baby. To trace her unworthy lover, she boards a taxi driven by Emile Gauthier, a friendly cabdriver, wh…
  • Somewhere, on a remote island, a Harpy is hatching her egg, but a vicious creature is going to steal it from her. She will have to defend it at any cost.