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  • Leonardo da Vinci finds it difficult to pursue his own dreams while serving as the Duke's court artist, but young Roberto takes risk to convince the master not to give up on his dreams.
  • Lobanovskiy Forever may celebrate the legend of Dynamo Kiev football coach Valeri Vasilievich Lobanovskiy, but it also develops into a lament for a bygone era when football could fill stadiums, inspire nations and bridge the divide between classes and countries. It will be primarily of interest to fans and historians o…
  • 另一项工作指导梅德和Elena Demyanenko Tomashpolsky串联。关于爱和性病医生宇航员和政府秘密拍喜剧实验宇宙尺度。磁带在拍摄的过程中得到了它的名字时,研究人员发现,世界卫生组织列入精神疾病的酗酒,盗窃癖和滥用药物沿码F63.9下列表中的爱情。电影 - 一个相当意外的和令人惊讶的呼吁浪漫喜剧风格,其中相当尖锐,大胆带到荒谬和大约不幸的…
  • The 15th of July of 2010 was an historical day in Argentina. That day a law was approved that says that marriage is independent of the sex of the contracting parties. At the same time, a more democratic and egalitarian society was build. This is the result of the long fight of committed women and men. They lived throug…
  • Set in the 14th century, under their leader Timur, the Tartar hordes invade the Middle East and take over areas as widespread as Persia, Egypt, and Syria. A lowly woman from a harem rises to lead the Egyptians against the invaders.
  • 某医院青年医生伊凡是个热情负责的医生,他发现了医院里有很多问题,提出过很多批评和建议。很快和他的同行和老同学德米特里发生了矛盾,进而发生了激烈的冲突。德米特里是个心术不正、自私自利、向上爬的人。他盗窃同行的科学论文,骗取了硕士学位和副教授职位,破坏新的治疗方法,不惜牺牲病人的终身幸福和生命,来达到自己可耻的目的。此外,…
  • 电影历史
    简介:客观的说,本片需要建立在至少看过《TheSeptemberIssue》的基础上,当然最好还有《DianaVreeland:TheEyeHastoTravel》,如果还想再完美一点就是看下《AnnieLeibovitz:LifeThroughaLens》。 与其说是专业的编辑之眼,来鉴定时尚,考究时尚。不如是说借助编辑之眼回顾了时尚历史上最辉煌的VOGUE一路走来的审美情趣,文化的交融,艺术的…