- Anita & Me tells the tale of Meena Kumar, a twelve-year-old girl who is discovering life in a whole new light. She lives with her parents in a small mining town called Tollington, in the Black Country of England in the 1970's. She is forever dreaming of a life other than her own, something that her parents can't unders…
- SynopsisSUGAR RUSH SERIES 2 delves into the life of teenage lesbian Kim and her intense lust for the beautiful Maria Sweet--otherwise known as Sugar--and sees the introduction of sex-shop manager Saint, who also attracts the attention of Kim. In addition to the distractions provided by Sugar and Saint, Kim has to deal …
- 亚当和夏娃有如一场深思又感人的电影许多有趣前提。 使蓬乱了音乐家,而且学院学生亚当 (卡梅伦道格拉斯, 麦克道格拉斯的儿子) 在校园内遇见美丽的夏娃 (Emmanuelle Chriqui) 。 立刻, 二人就坠入爱河。 夏娃断言她一直是一个处女,直到她准备好结婚.......Adam and Eve has an interesting premise with a lot …
- Murry Lerner's film "Festival"is a cinematic synthesis of four Newport Folk Festivals that depicts the crucial years of transition for the art of folk music.Performers range from 60's folk legends Bob Dylan and Joan Baez to country artists like Johnny Cash to traditional American folk artists such as the Geor…