- Ambitious mid-life careerist Hanna just needs one more kid before her life is perfect. Instead, her baby daddy unexpectedly dumps her. Suddenly she finds herself without a place to live, job or family. With every fiber of her being calibrated for success, Hanna is set on getting it all back. But getting there means hav…
- 希瑞和希曼的小助手奥克在一次间谍卫星测试中意外被传送到了地球。在邓肯武士等伙伴们的帮助下,奥克返回了埃坦尼亚星球,同时也带回了两个地球上的孩子爱丽莎和米格尔,此时正是地球上的圣诞节假期,孩子们自然对圣诞节充满了无比期待,但这饱含圣诞精神的气氛却让霍德王感到厌恶,他命令霍达克和骷髅王前来抓捕两个孩子。希瑞和希曼的力量能阻…
- The second season of beloved web series Bee and PuppyCat after a nearly five near break. The season picks back up the cheerful 22-year old Bee and intergalactic space warrior for a set of adventures.