- The Midsomer Langley Film Society shows a retrospective of horror films made by local actress Stella Harris but Stella is upstaged when glamorous movie star Diana Davenport,her sister,returns to the area for the first time in forty years with film producer husband Cy. The same night Eve Lomax,a writer working on a book…
- 科学家说人类可能即将面临全球性的灾难,过去半年以来,美国有多达八成的蜜蜂消失,如今这场恶梦已然蔓延至欧洲,蜜蜂消失是否有如警钟,暗示著一场庞大的生态浩劫即将来临?我们将透过肉眼可见的惊人摄影术,亲眼一睹蜜蜂在生态系统中的关键角色,并探讨众说纷纭的各家理论,分析蜜蜂快速消失的原因。《沉默的蜜蜂》中介绍蜜蜂的现状和灾难,其…
- A quiet but windy afternoon is suddenly shattered by the crack of a rifle shot. A man falls and a woman screams.Then you see the title, "BAD, BLACK AND BEAUTIFUL". A couple making love are interrupted by a phone ringing. The phone is answered by Eva Taylor, a beautiful black attorney. Her bed partner Is a U.S…