搜索 Beri

  • The two friends in this story have enough trouble in their lives as it is, and yet they decide to hit neighboring Azerbaijan for cheap drugs. One turn of the road wrongly taken, and the guys are in the territory of Mountain Karabakh, a hot-spot of Armenian – Azerbaijani military conflict. Fallen prisoners of partisans,…
  • UnsoiràTibériade
  • Synopsis:In this summer romance set on the Jersey shore, a young woman (newcomer Kim Shaw) is surprised by love just before she leaves for college. But her experiences go beyond her newfound relationship, and she meets a fascinating group of characters, played by actors such as Paul Sorvino and Jay O. Sanders. GREETING…
  • 一幢年久失修的大楼座落在一条漫长的街上,街上行人稀疏,不时驶去几辆汽车。楼里某出版社的职工们成年累月地例行着每天八小时的工作。 这是一座古朴而又陈旧的建筑。楼内墙壁和顶棚已出现了裂纹,经常往下落石灰,挂在墙上的装饰画框也摇摇欲坠。这个出版社里的职工人数不多,气氛也显得沉闷。油漆工不安心干份内工作,却醉心于坐在编辑室里翻…
  • What many are saying is the most disturbing film of 2018, Watch if you Dare revolves around a series of horrifying incidents. If you press play, look away ;)
  • 电影
    Largely unchanged for more than a century, the projection of photochemical film faces an uncertain future in the digital age. The practice of handing and projecting film is in danger of being lost; and the role of film projectionist is nearing extinction. THE DYING OF THE LIGHT explores at the history and craft of moti…
  • WALTER (41) is planning on writing a book about German entrepreneurs. On a spring day he meets the physics student AGNES (28). He is fascinated by her extreme attitude towards life. After reading some of his short stories, Agnes proposes that he writes a story about her. Their love story already begins on their first d…
  • 电影动作
  • A family of three young sisters live out their days after a pandemic has consumed most of the known world. One day a stranger suddenly shows up and their world changes in ways they never could have imagined.