搜索 Bern

  • 电影剧情
  • 单身母亲Beth没时间谈情说爱,她集中精神于发展她的事业,而不是培养她的儿子。后来她认识了英俊的Nick,他似乎就是她梦想的男人,直到他宣布他是圣诞老人的儿子……
  • A part of Joan of Arc's life. At the beginning, Jeanne (Joan) has already left Domremy, she is trying to convince a captain to escort her to moxia.cc the Dauphin. It ends during Jeanne's first battle, at Orleans. Meanwhile, Jeanne is depicted more as a warrior than a saint (all cliches are avoided), with only her faith…
  • 讲述了一个寡妇亿万富翁瓦伦丁·埃斯波索和他的十个情妇为成为他新的合法妻子而拼命奋斗的故事。以上翻译结果来自有道神经网络翻译(YNMT)· 通用领域
  • Private investigator and former police detective Jack Ramsey is enjoying an affair with the local district attorney's wife, but when she is strangled not long after he has departed following a session of amorous activity.
  • 摄像记者梅勒妮怀疑她最好的朋友丹尼的未婚妻可能与谋杀大款有关联r百万富翁丹尼新的未婚妻奥利维亚,非常的美丽,年轻,才华横溢,和迷ddd。不过,丹尼的朋友梅勒妮并不这么想。她知道奥利维亚的秘密,多次婚姻让奥利维亚成为了一位非常富有的寡妇。现在轮到梅兰妮扮演捕食者的时候了,并且要从这位诡计多端的准新娘那里反败为胜,当然那要她活…
  • Benjamin Bernard has lived his life in the shadow of his brother. Torn between jealousy and loyalty, Benjamin takes out his aggression as a mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter. After an event nearly shatters the life of his brother, Benjamin must face his overwhelming feelings of anger and resentment as he discovers the t…
  • 一次撞机后,已经失控的客机的继续飞行在德国上空。撞击点却不得而知,而柏林的中心在精准的计算后,也就是现在,为了阻止灾难的降临,必须将飞机必须击落以获得更小的损失。
  • A misfit group of New Mexico cowboys find themselves on the journey of a lifetime when their crooked-footed racehorse qualifies for the Kentucky Derby. based on the inspiring true story of Mine That Bird, the cowboys face a series of mishaps on their way to Churchill Downs, becoming the ultimate underdogs in a final sh…
  • 安东尼是巴黎开往威尼斯的快车卧铺车厢的服务员。他喜欢这个工作,尽管每次出勤都是些鸡毛蒜皮的小事,比如说协助办理海关的手续、安慰失眠的乘客、避免小偷掏乘客的腰包等,但这些小事也必须尽快地处理好,让乘客满意。好在每一次出车他的这些辛劳都能够有所补偿,他可以找各种机会和年轻漂亮的女乘客优雅地聊天。但是在一个寒冷的冬日,当一个…