- They called her the Virgin Queen, England's first Queen Elizabeth, a revered ruler in her own lifetime. Yet behind her fame lie many dark secrets, and an unsolved mystery. Why didn't the queen marry and provide an heir to the throne? For centuries, rumours have swirled of claims of illegitimacy, adultery and even that …
- Für den Musikhistoriker Jakob (Tim Bergmann) bricht eine wohlgeordnete, ruhige Welt zusammen, als er feststellen muss, dass er mit seiner ursprünglichen Arbeit kein Geld mehr verdienen kann. Einen neuen Job für den Klassikfan gibt es in di…
- This mystical short film has a narrator telling us about a "strange philanthropical secret society" that has been in existence for seven years at a certain building. Its members, Philokinetes, devote their energy and money to studying and promoting a fragment of film they call 'The Film to Come'. The fragment…