- Can and should we distinguish the artist from his actions? That’s probably the question many fans have asked themselves about XXXtentacion, the uncrowned king of emotional Soundcloud hip-hop. He could literally beat his girlfriend with one…
- 亚马逊将推出一代球王马拉多纳的传记剧集《马拉多纳:庇佑之梦》(Maradona:BlessedDream,暂译),近日选出了饰马拉多纳的演员们:NicolasGoldschmidt(《弄虚作假》)、NazarenoCasero(《布宜诺斯艾利斯1977》)、JuanPalomino(《氪星石》),依次饰演他的青年、壮年、中老年“黑暗”时期,聚焦其青涩岁月、俱乐部生涯、作为阿根廷足球队队长征战的…
- 这是 一家开了三代的小餐馆,规模不大,但是固定客人不少。Bob对汉堡、调味品和肋肉了如指掌,但是对客户服务和商业管理一窍不通。尽管他的柜台总是油腻腻的,店里总是声音嘈杂,食物偶尔质量不好,Bob坚信自己的汉堡「独具特色」,能够开创一个品牌。\r\n 尽管生意不忙,但Bob的家人总是到店里来帮忙。不管发生什么情况,Bob的妻子Lind…
- Doctor Sergio Graf becomes a "difficult" patient overnight, and finds himself fighting against an unrelenting health care system. His journey is one of physical deterioration. His wife worries over medical expenses, and his children quarrel while they all take turns caring for him. But despite his growing fea…