- In 2010, the rock band The National released their fifth album, High Violet. After ten years as critical darlings, the band was finally enjoying wider recognition. As they were about to embark on the biggest tour of their career, lead singer Matt Berninger invited his younger brother, Tom, to be a part of their tour cr…
- 南高加索,曾经的前苏联电影摄像师的娱乐会所已被改造为作家的栖息地。但是这样的运作似乎也不成功,目前入住名单上任然只有诗人Boris Martow。他来自莫斯科,是在这充满希望的改革时代里的一位天才。 身处在这曾经辉煌的、为艺术家特设的机构中,诗人试着去反击他才华渐渐流失的危机。机构里的员工,尤其是那些身居高位的权贵,不提供给他…