- 布朗夫人经营这一个水果摊,继续过着怡然自得的生活,然而很快,她的水果摊所在的地皮被开发商看中,她们面临着被赶走的危险。布朗夫人立刻把朋友召集到一起商量对策,大家达成一致,要跟开发商抗争到底,面对着开发商咄咄逼人的气势,布朗夫人丝毫没有畏惧。为了吸引公众的注意力,她甚至找来了各路媒体,进行铺天盖地的报道宣传,她还来到了法…
- A new BBC film written by Robin Chapman, based on a novel by A. N. Wilson.Derek Blore, MP, enjoys both a happy successful political career and a sideline in the suburbs. When his two political lives become confused, with an addedRussian complication, he finds a national scandal engulfing him.
- 'Who is Alice' carries us on a darkly funny, compelling and sometimes cringe worthy journey into the highs and lows of what human beings will do to try to avoid pain and connect to happiness. Alice is a 35 year old actress desperately hanging on to her 'new young thing' career. She is willing to sacrifice almost everyt…