- The third season of ABC Family drama television series Switched at Birth began on January 13, 2014, and will consist of 22 episodes. The season is produced by ABC Family, Pirates' Cove Entertainment, and Suzy B Productions, with Paul Stupin and series creator Lizzy Weiss serving as executive producers.The one-hour scri…
- Beginning their "Road to Wrestlemania," Bianca defends her championship at The Royal Rumble while Montez hopes for a show-stopping performance after returning from an injury; Bianca gets pressure to start a family.
- 《Gentefied:上游梦》是由两位奇卡诺初代作家打造的一部每集半小时的剧情喜剧,改编自在 2017 年圣丹斯电影节上引起轰动的同名网络作品。这部精彩的双语剧集讲述了家庭、社区、同性恋情以及毁掉一切的错位,三个墨西哥裔美国表亲努力追求美国梦,即使这个梦威胁到他们最珍贵的东西:他们的邻居、移民祖父和祖传的墨西哥卷饼店。这部西班牙式英…
- Il film Tv La voce del violino in onda mercoledì 4 giugno 2008 alle 21.10 su Rai UnoLa trasposizione televisiva dei romanzi di Andrea Camilleri, avviata nel 1998, ha avuto un successo clamoroso, tanto da diventare un vero caso televisivo, …