搜索 Bich

  • 在ФГУП "ЛУЧ"这个无聊的缩写背后,隐藏着一个打击吸血鬼、恶魔和超自然现象的部门。惧内的屌丝科里亚无意中遇到了光芒的特工,他们认出他就是 "天命之子"。他必须将世界从可怕的邪恶中拯救出来,但没有人知道他的超能力是什么,也没有人知道如何展现这种超能力。 "天命之子""成为了他的诅…
  • 电视剧爱情
  • 她/她第二季
    In this new series, the director Chloé Robichaud, whose first film Sarah préfère la course had a remarkable international career after its official opening at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival, takes us back to the intersecting live…
  • 见面吧!电台
    《见面吧!电台》是由QQ音乐推出的潮流音乐资讯脱口秀直播节目,由杨若天、黄佳婧等人主持。节目采用“直播 点播”的模式,为音乐人提供权威的音乐宣发平台,在传承电台文化的同时带动线下线上,加入更多互动玩法,让新歌真正走进大众生活。7月23日起,每周二至周日19:00在QQ音乐进行直播,播出次日在QQ音乐及腾讯视频点播观看。
  • 1944年德国军队在苏德战场上连遭惨败,为了挽回败局,希特勒决定实施刺杀苏联领袖斯大林计划。并将其定名为摧毁中国棺材行动,又称中国盒子行动。此前,德国间谍机关建立了一个多元化的特工刺杀学校,从被俘苏军和叛徒中挑选了多人,进行培训。但是其中只有一个名叫皮奥特.伊凡诺维奇.加夫林的特工脱颖而出。但是你中有我,我中有你,德国间谍机…
  • While in Argentina, renowned Mexican muralist David Siqueiros paints the mural "Ejercicio plástico" at the country home of newspaper owner Natalio Botana. Set in the 1930's, this lovely historical reconstruction serves as a testa…
  • The film is set in southern Georgia, which until the end of XIX century was dominated by the Ottoman Empire. The tragic time to be born people of high strength of spirit, such as Antimoz Iverieli - the philosopher-educator. Having experienced in childhood cruelty and injustice, it becomes the path of serving others. Ha…
  • "Cilantro y perejil" is a comedy about couples from the same family, hit by the economic crisis in Mexico. The plot turns around the eternal question of whether it is worth it to live as a couple. The conclusions are fun, unpredictable and very human.
  • 格鲁吉亚当代著名导演Temur Babluani早年的短片,他曾凭借1992年的《失眠的太阳》获柏林影展杰出艺术成就银熊奖。《失眠的太阳》同样也是格鲁吉亚影史十五佳之一。In an overcrowded train derdeklas sit Guja and Trifona necessarily opposite sides. Guja is a farmer and grofgebekt type, …
  • 改編自David Rabe 的舞台劇 Hurlyburly。几个好莱坞圈中人聚在一起吸大麻和谈天说地,酒意醉人的时候说醉语,毒品开始发挥作用的时候说的更是语意不清。骤耳听来,他们的言谈似是而非,转弯抹角,但细心玩味之下,却可听出他们对于现代社会风气、政治、环境、爱情、友谊等等的迷惘和失落。