搜索 Blaß

  • 一个十二岁的存在主义者小孩准备离家出走,去见他最喜欢的哲学家阿尔伯特·加缪,然然而他却不知道加缪已经去世五十年了。 在路上,他第一次体会到了爱情和拒绝的滋味。
  • If you've ever felt like your life sucks, or you're just having a bad day, then I would recommend watching the film, "Nothing Funny ." In comparison to this guy's life, you might not feel that things are so bad. The story is about a film director, told through personal reflections and a review of his own life…
  • An epic saga of the Habdza family of vineyard keepers set in western Slovakian countryside at the beginning of the 20th century. Director Andrej Lettrich's novel adaptation talks of plotting, forbidden love, family discord, and struggle for heritage and power. The story is engaging thanks to the impressive performances…
  • 这部战争爱情片罕见的是由原苏联的格鲁吉亚地区与原捷克的斯洛伐克地区两地合拍的,导演、演员和工作人员也是各占一半。Young couple separated by World War 2, dream of being reunited years later. Unusual (for that time) co-production between Slovakia and Georgia (then part of…
  • 意大利人民反抗侵略,战争场面拍的相当宏大,各种优美流畅的长镜头,演员表演内敛自然,这部电影标志着意大利的电影人已经掌握了非常娴熟全面的电影技艺,被誉为当时意大利电影的最高成就丝毫不为过
  • REAL SEX…REAL VIOLENCE…REAL BLOOD…and passed UNCUT by the BBFC.Gore, Pentagrams, black masses, debauched sexual acts and an obligatory twist, this brant new cult horror film from Spain is fast, furious, sexy and violent, with moments of d…
  • A serial killer is loose at an all girl school, where he strangles girls with a piece of barbed wire.
  • IWalkedwithZombies
    After the Zombie Apocalypse, our protagonist, NEVILLE ROBERTS, is abandoned by his friends and left to die. He must learn how to survive among the zombies, and through him we discover what we've always been dying to know: the secret life of the un-dead.
  • 电影动画