搜索 Bley

  • 当这位野心勃勃的摄影师Andi从墨西哥的模特会议上回来时,她在包里发现了一公斤可卡因。她惊慌失措地想着自己先前的信念,立即把它扔进了水池。她怀疑她的明星模特凯茜并要求她解释,但她否认了一切。当凯茜死后不久,安迪被怀疑了。她雇佣了前警察戴夫·墨菲帮助她,并保护她不受心理变态的毒贩的伤害。
  • 《九种生命》是一部通过9个独立但彼此联系的镜头对9个处在感情十字路口的女人的经历的主动探索。影片角色在各个故事中穿插出现,探讨在过去和现在,我们会如此平常的发现自己被困于某种关系之中。1.Sandra 一个女囚犯,一个失灵的通话器,玻璃隔着的是一月才能见一次的女儿,于是,她愤怒、妥协又发狂,短短的几分钟,却令人心酸。2.Diana…
  • SellWalker(BlairUnderwood饰)就是当时DefJam创始人RussellSimmons在片中的化身。影片由MichaelSchultz导演,Simmons出任此片的联合制片人和情节顾问,同时他还在片中客串出演了一个叫做Crocket的酒吧老板。在影片中,RussellWalker为KrushGroove唱片公司签下了当时所有的热门歌手,包括Run-D.M.C.、KurtisBlow和Dr.…
  • 一群外星人参观了地球,并对地球发出了最后的通告,和平还是彻底毁灭?
  • 以下是来源于IMDb上的评论'Voyage into Next (1974)' is a quaint little anti-war statement, the sort of laid-back, hippie-inspired short film that one would expect the 1970s to have produced. But it was also directed by John and Faith Hubley, a hus…
  • 电影
    Zombie Honeymoon is a romantic horror film about a young married couple, madly in love, on their honeymoon. One day on the beach, the groom Danny is attacked and killed by a man who rises up out of the water with no explanation, leaps on top of him, and vomits blood into his mouth. Danny is resuscitated ten minutes lat…
  • 老大哥(英版)第三季
    Big Brother 3 was the third series of Big Brother UK. The series started on 24 May 2002, and ended on 26 July 2002. The final of this series drew 10.0 million viewers. Votes in the final week totalled 8.6 million.The series premiered on 24 May 2001, on Channel 4. The contestants were recorded 24 hours a day with camera…
  • 一名大学教授离奇死于动物实验室内,负责此案的女干探艾莉发现那是大群蝙蝠所为。最吓人的是蝙蝠吸血后更会迅速繁殖,令艾莉速手无策,向兽医约翰求助。镇上的周年舞会快将举行,当众人狂欢之际,一群不请自来的蝙蝠从黑夜中蜂拥而至,向人类进行血的洗礼,这场不是天灾,背后是谁在从中作梗?目的何在?