搜索 Bley

  • 1944年8月15日,517伞兵团战斗队空降到法国南部。他们的任务是支援和保护盟军部队向柏林进发。登陆敌方领土,他们属于直接攻击。   在他们努力去完成使命与部队汇合的过程中,三个孤立的伞兵偶然遇到了迫切需要帮助的法国抵抗组织。他们决定,要帮忙把一些被囚禁的游击队员营救出来。
  • 电影科幻
  • 随着世界上最伟大的游戏节目《虚拟记忆》第300集的历史性演出开始,灯火通明。但是,出了点问题。杰米·亚历山大,虚拟内存主机不见了!随着时间倒数到一定程度的破坏,虚拟内存需要它唯一的希望:兆字节人。随着海量的信息存储、即时回忆和电子位移,虚拟内存自己的超级电脑开始寻找杰米。与此同时,在地球表面的深处潜伏着虚拟内存最黑暗的敌…
  • "This fascinating animated film dramatizes Erik Erickson's eight periods of the human life cycle. Since the appearance of Childhood and Society in 1950, the most widely known and read psychoanalyst in America today has given us glimpses of his vision — a well thought out myth of the organic wholeness of life as it…
  • Andy Griffith plays Noah Talbot, a long-time alcholic whose drinking begins to have a devastating effect not only on his personal life but on his family as well.
  • 因为盗窃71美元被判入狱一年,George Lester Jackson策划了圣昆汀监狱历史上最为激烈一次的暴动。本片就是讲述这个脾气极为暴躁的人的故事,就是他亲手制造了惨烈的监狱流血事件..
  • What if the apocalypse came... and you were happy about it? Logline: A lazy thirty-something is happy to sit out the zombie apocalypse in his fortified suburban abode, until his wife acts on a more pragmatic strategy for survival, forcing him to become the zombie killer he was trying to avoid.
  • BlurLiveatWembleyStadium
    A cinematic concert film immortalising last summer’s historic show, which sold out in under two minutes, and saw blur perform their iconic and much-loved songs for 150,000 fans in a transcendent, once-in-a-generation performance that deliv…