搜索 Bois

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  • 凄厉刺耳的防空警报响彻城市上空,黯淡的夜晚,战争爆发。苗条美丽的女裁缝独自守在家中,桌子上满是她的爱人的照片。如今爱人已经走上战场保家卫国,她期待爱人早日归来,祈祷着他的平安无事。一阵炮火过后,裁缝的门被人推开,走进来的竟是她的爱人。只是爱人身受重伤,命悬一线。裁缝十分伤心,不过她想到一个好主意,那就是用手中的针线缝补…
  • 巴黎深秋的一个清晨,22岁贵族出身的拉法埃尔·瓦朗坦在赌桌上输光了身上的最后一枚金币后,准备投进塞纳河自尽。但这位才华横溢的年轻侯爵并没有成功。他希望几个月前努力在写的一本论意志的书会给他带来名利双收,结果却仍是身无分文。当瓦朗坦经过一家古董店时,他想得到一把枪来结束自己的生命。然而,古怪的盲古董商却给了他一张印有天竺文…
  • I didn't expect anything as I never read the book of Calaferte, nor I've seen any movie done by the same director. I even didn't know any actor except (surprise) the singer and former model Amina. I must say too that I am not against boring movies, I love Pasolini, Tarkovski or Kubrick, because their boring movies give…
  • Loosely based on the notorious Richard Speck murders, this is the grim tale of a disturbed Vietnam vet returning home via Belfast, who invades a house shared by eight nurses and proceeds to terrorize and murder them.
  • Diogène Leguignon is a modest railway worker for whom things seldom tend to go right.Having been expelled from his home, he and his wife are forced into a rundown house in a less desirable part of town. Unknown to Leguignon, a band of loca…
  • 回到海边的家乡,列文在临终前探望了他不屈的母亲(基蒂·库尔博伊斯)。他回顾了自己的童年(由埃里克·克莱克饰演),那时他爱上了他性感的姑妈柯尔塔(琳达·凡·迪杰克饰)和他的无政府主义母亲,后者经常给整个家庭带来麻烦。