搜索 Bonn

  • 1940年,一名法国士兵,发现自己美丽的新娘和他分开后。他决定踏上冒险的路程去寻找自己心爱的新娘,最终经过千辛万苦在美国找到他的新娘。(
  • "THE GODDAUGHTER" ... "She Made Him an Offer He Couldn't Refuse!"The Godfather is a "sissy", and the "Mob" bumps him off. Since the old man has already passed away, his daughter, "Sonny" Carrione and Tommie Fagan, the "consigliori", of the Family,-must find a …
  • Ludwig II, the king of Bavaria, his famous castles and the mysterious circumstances of his death, have inspired a lot of filmmakers throudhout all times.Rolf Raffé's Das Schweigen am Starnbergersee focusses on the conflict between the king and his family.
  • "Arzak Rhapsody" is a 14 episode surreal cartoon series designed and directed by the french artist Jean Giraud aka Moebius. It's co-produced with Wolfland Pictures and the Carrere Group for french television station France 2.
  • Un père arrive chez son fils après des années de conflit et l’interrompt en plein déménagement. Vincent, le fils, réagit violemment à cette intrusion. Fragilisé, le père annonce malgré lui la véritable raison de sa visite, ce qui raviv…
  • 政府秘密單位實驗室,利用一名惡名昭彰的連續殺人犯的基因,企圖製造出一群「終極殺手」,沒想到,基因改造後的殺手們竟逃出實驗基地!他們所到之處無不屍橫遍野,血腥屠殺更襲捲整個美國,只有林哥,在「神」的指引之下,他將用一把散彈鎗、一瓶威士忌阻擋殺戮再度發生!這場地獄之旅結果會是如何?這部電影有很強的血腥情色味道,又是cult片,…
  • There is a fine line between justice and revenge...it depends whose side you're onJonah is a skilled hit man, being pursued from a crime scene at high speed by police. Things go from bad to worse when he collides with a utility on a country road. Two innocent lives are lost, father and daughter Ben and Claire Rogen. No…
  • 在远古时期的土地之前,暹罗出生,还有的时候侵略者的军队来殖民的土地和被无情地屠村民。一位神父秘密图纸收集许多动物来自世界各地的。他保税图纸到一本书以极大的神通。然后,他给这本书的两个头目之一泰国部落使用这些图纸,以纹身他的人民和打击侵略者。当土地是摆脱破坏和恢复和平,神圣的书必须分为许多部分和转嫁到最值得信赖的弟子守卫…