- 《我可能不会爱你》2011年在台湾播出取得了傲人的收视率,位列2011年台湾偶像剧收视率排行版第一名。 程又青(林依晨 饰),百货公司鞋区区长,交过几个男朋友、伤心、伤身又伤情。李大仁(陈柏霖 饰),是航空公司的地勤督导,年轻有为,脾性佳,不耍酷,孝顺老妈,疼爱老妹。两人从高中起就互相看不顺眼的,却阴错阳差的一直在一起,成为一…
- A powerful new play about making a stand. Jess has a great life: a job she loves, a sharp sense of humour and a close group of friends. When austerity threatens the world she has worked hard to build, Jess makes a stand to protect those she holds most dear. Inspired by real life experiences of disabled people in the UK…