- "Tutok" is a dramatic thriller that revolves around the lives of two newsmen, one is an ambitious reporter (portrayed by award winnning actor Emilio Garcia) while the other is a cameraman (played by actor turned producer Allen Dizon).Together, the two men seek instant fame by attempting to cover a story invol…
- Mr. Viral exposes the myth of freewill in a satirical mosaic about three ad execs at a struggling boutique advertising agency. A brilliant but twisted former ad creative-turned disgruntled producer, a desperately suspicious gay account girl and a lonely middle-aged accountant are searching for meaning, revenge, answers…
- In 1965, filmmaker Frank De Felitta made a documentary film for NBC News about the changing times in the American South and the tensions of life in the Mississippi Delta during the civil rights struggle. The film was broadcast in May of 1966 and outraged many Southern viewers, in part, because it included an extraordin…