搜索 Boo

  • 鬼髮駭人,不只要你的髮,還要你的命....故事講述一行人來到廢棄房屋拍實境節目,這棟房屋因為曾經發生兇案而被閒置,相關的恐怖傳聞在鄰居鄉里間流傳。一行人來到後陸續發生詭異的事件,原來屋子的前女主人對毛髮有特殊癖好,後來竟然對頭皮起了興趣,因而迫使丈夫將她殺害而隨後自殺。知道實情後,每個人都想逃離這裡,但是仍在屋裡遊盪的兇惡…
  • Three witches awakened by an ancient book, the Necronomicon, bring production of a film in their old family home to a deadly halt.
  • 这是一部关于四胞胎阴差阳错的喜剧,在出生时分开了,成年后生活在一起。
  • A visit to Horror Boobs Headquarters for a look at some rare Troma collectibles. A selection of Lloyd Kaufman's favorite Troma Penises.
  • 《YoungStreet》是韩国SBS PowerFM每天都进行的一档电台节目。由主持人和嘉宾共同参加。
  • Halloween is almost here and George can't wait for the festivities to begin: carving pumpkins, costume contests, and especially the Annual Boo Festival. Eager to get the festivities started, George and Allie visit Renkins' Farm to pick out the perfect pumpkin. There, they are told the spooky tale of the Legend of No No…
  • 为小学生和青少年推荐当下英国最棒的书籍,配上身临其境的介绍和绘声绘色的表演,一起来看看英国的少年们读什么书吧。
  • 电影冒险
    据好莱坞报道独家新闻,迪斯尼计划拍摄奇幻森林续集,正与乔恩费诺和编剧贾斯汀马科斯谈判回归续集。奇幻森林目前口碑极佳,烂番茄依旧是100%新鲜度,上周在印度 俄罗斯 澳大利亚市场大爆获得2890万美金票房,正因为超强的口碑和非常看好上映后的票房,才让迪斯尼决定继续开发这个故事。
  • Terry Jones presents Boom Bust Boom. The result of a meeting between writer, director, historian and Python Terry Jones and economics professor and entrepreneur Theo Kocken. Co-written by Jones and Kocken and featuring John Cusack, Nobel Prize winners Daniel Kahneman, Robert J Shiller and Paul Krugman, the film is part…