搜索 Boyd

  • 《可卡因天使》这片攫取了佛洛里达一个年轻吸毒者生命中煎熬和痛苦的一周。尽管环境恶劣,生活艰辛,还要忍受别人的冷漠无情,这个年轻人还是坚持着自己曾经珍惜的现在已经残缺的希望。
  • 15岁的女孩Ashley Webb,她有点呆,但很漂亮。当她被一家当地的模特经纪公司的星探发掘后,她的生活发生了天翻地覆的变化。所有周围的人与事都改变了,其中包括她的双胞胎姐妹 Jade。
  • Every summer, the sleepy New England town of Falcon Beach ignites, and the surf and sand aren't the only things heating up. When the townies and the rich kids who summer at Falcon Beach collide, the sparks fly. The rest of the year, they live in different worlds, but come summer they share a strip of beach where anythi…
  • 影片以粗线条的漫画作为开头,紧接着就是一段色情录像,鲁本闯进保卫监视室,打倒警卫,顺手还取走了录像机中的带子。这个开头已经预示了后面发生的一切:暴力,软色情,和漫画式的情节。可可·夏威尔和庄尼是一对以色骗财的野鸳鸯,他们找来理查、鲁本等人策划了一起绑架案。他们闯进一所大楼,绑架了软件界巨子本·迪森。绑架过程中,正好遇到…
  • " The Pink Floyd and Syd Barrett Story" tells the full bizarre, tragic, but also celebratory story of Syd Barrett, the co-founder of Pink Floyd.With contributions from friends, managers, lovers and of course the members of Pink Floyd themselves. The film includes rare early television appearances of Pink Floy…
  • 这是一部关于隆美尔传记电影,记录了他从非洲军团取得赫赫战功到负责欧洲防务包括参与刺杀希特勒直到最后自杀...
  • Katie is a free spirited independently minded 21-year-old. The film follows her as she reflects on the men in her life. Along the way we meet her drug addict boyfriend Bobby, her lover Jack, close friend Baldy, and her father.
  • 主人翁约翰·克利斯提是一名外貌和善的秃头中年汉,谁也想不到他是冷酷无情的连续杀人犯。伊凡因谋杀妻子及尚在襁褓中的女儿而遭起诉,最后被处以极刑,但真正的凶手却是在法庭上担任头号证人的克利斯提。十年后,警方在克利斯提的住处赫然发现多具女性尸体,才揭发了他的滔天罪行。http://movie.mtime.com/17443/
  • 测试生活
    Testees is the story of Peter and Ron, two best friends and roommates in their early 30s. Both of them work as test subjects at "TESTICO," a less-than-normal testing facility where they are given various products each episode. Be it a new treatment to test or some experimental medication, the side effects are…
  • 麦特大学毕业后即投入律师的行业,与朋友共同开设律师事务所,身为社会菁英的他,每天汲汲营营为生活奋斗,终于拥有了美满的家庭、豪宅及名车,但对于这样的生活,麦特始终觉得若有所失。这时他的大学死党亚历正好来事务所造访他,请他帮忙为流浪汉打官司。在处理这个案子的过程中,麦特听到了他内心的声音,也就是以律师的身分帮助世人,让世界…