- David is a musician who traded his dream for a corporate job to keep his relationship. But now that the girl he gave up his dream to be with has left him to pursue hers, he's left wondering where he went wrong. His eccentric roommate, in an effort to get him in better spirits, drags him to the park where he meets Annie…
- Cassie, une jeune fille de 13 ans, arrive dans une nouvelle école où la vie n'est pas simple. Mais elle se console en jouant des mauvais tours à ses camarades et à son petit frère, Max.A l'approche d'Halloween, elle se rend dans une bouti…
- 克蕾拉將祖母的老房子改裝成一棟温馨美麗的民宿,但老阿嬤們擔心她一個單身女子經營民宿會危險,因此建議她假裝已婚來保護自己。沒想到,民宿的第一位客人瑞克卻讓克蕾拉一見鍾情,兩人互動也越來越親密。看著這個可能是真命天子的男人,克蕾拉該如突破這困境,抓緊真愛呢?