- SNL Presents: Sports All-Stars, airing on NBC from 9:00 pm - 11:00 pm ET.The special will be hosted by Jason Sudeikis and Will Forte in character as "ESPN Classic Commentators" Pete Twinkle and Greg Stink. Also featured on the show will be highlights of SNL appearances by athletes including Peyton Manning, De…
- 共产党组织决定用挖地道的办法营救狱中的同志,87公尺的地道挖了4年。这期间党内出现分歧。弗朗西斯科反对左倾冒进,认为需要冷静对待。挖地道虽然费时,但稳扎稳打。终能达到目的,而贝涅吉克多是左倾激进分子,他主张用激烈的暴力手段。他不请示组织,单独绑架了陆军部长的哥哥作为人质,企图换取二名议员。失败后,他义企图暗杀陆军部长,又…