- In the quiet Western New York village of Red Hill, rebellious high school senior Johnny Grissom, nicknamed "Johnny Gruesome" by his classmates, goes on a drunken joyride with his best friend Eric Carter, girlfriend Karen Slatter, and drug fiend Gary Belter. Gary murders Johnny and convinces Eric and Karen to …
- 英国画家弗朗西斯·培根在世界范围内享有盛名,人们对其画作的总体印象好像总是“可怕、痛苦和令人不安”。培根的阴暗面到底来自何处?经常见到有艺术评论家将他40年代的作品与战争联系到一起,那么是来源于战争吗?受访者们似乎都对此持有保留意见。本片从更本源的角度、从培根的个人经历进行挖掘,探寻父亲艾迪·培根以及他的诸多恋人对他创作…
- Dr. Jackie Stevenson is a Los Angeles based therapist and scientist who tries to invent a serum to separate the pure from the lustful side of the female psychosis. After she has an unsuccessful experiment with a female client named Martine, which drove her patient to insanity and to a mental hospital, Jackie tries part…