- A chronological look at the life and career of jazz musician, composer, and performer Dave Brubeck (1920- ), presented through contemporary interviews, archival footage of interviews and performances, and commentary by family, fellow musicians, and aficionados. Emphases include his mother's influence, his wife's invent…
- NBC联手[老友记]女星Lisa Kudrow制作2010季最新真人秀. 翻拍自英国同名族谱纪录片的[Who Do You Think You Are?]将于3月5日播出. 7位明星将同制作组踏上寻根之旅,客串阵容包括:老友记女星,剧集制作人Lisa Kudrow,著名导演Spike Lee,欲望都市女星Sarah Jessica Parker,SJP丈夫、知名影星Matthew Bro…