- Hollywood, California is turned upside down by a series of strange and horrific murders creating chaos and turmoil in tinsel town. One particular victim is kidnapped, held captive and subjected to witness the torture and murder of numerous other victims. It is by her will, strength, and faith that she must survive the …
- Bruce Sweeney (Last Wedding) returns to the Festival with this neo-noir police procedural — set against the backdrop of economic hard times — about a failed real estate agent (Nicholas Lea, in a bravura performance) whose recent attempt to…
- Frost's efforts to join a gym and date Julie, the fitness instructor, are hampered by two suspicious deaths. The first concerns a man found dead on a waste tip with no identity beyond an empty wallet, seemingly a mugging victim. However his wife comes to report his disappearance and Frost, in following through, is intr…
- KnightRiderisa2008televisionfilmwhichwascreatedtoserveasabackdoorpilotforthenewKnightRidertelevisionseries,arevivaloftheseriesofthesamenamewhichairedduringthe1980s.ThisfilmdoesnotrefertoeithertheKnightRider2000filmortheTeamKnightRidertelevisionseries.
- Four men from Harlem in their early 30's, friends from childhood, take a late summer break, heading out of town in a Mercury Monarch on a 30-plus-hour drive to a vacation spot. Wilson is an FBI agent, George a mechanic, Phil teaches African-American studies, and Dre's a doctor. They tease and reminisce, mostly about se…