- 1996年10月17日,众多当代杰出优秀的爵士好手齐聚一堂,出席一场在纽约Carnegie厅的盛大晚会,赞扬在电影制作及音乐创作均有杰出表现的克林伊斯威特。 地球上目前最强的两位jazz sax phone演奏家james cater和罗德曼两人pk的超级对决。
- 这是一处远离城市喧嚣的所在。潮水一阵阵推上岸来,四周放眼望去,怪石林立,苍凉凄寒。鸥鸟在空中歌唱,如泣如诉。镜头慢慢转过来,岸边有一座颇显破败的小木屋。木屋内摆放着一张斑驳的书桌。突然,抽屉自动打开,内里的隔断仿佛电视屏幕,播放着男女相知相恋的故事。而画面外响起的音乐和歌声,为那段浪漫而悲哀的故事做着说明和注脚。在爱情…
- A story of courage, values, wisdom, and mastery of martial arts. During the dark ages, the mystical jewel was discovered from the ancient temple. Each warlords are craving to have it for power and lord over the city.
- Janis witnessed her twin brother kill their parents. Twenty years later, she waits for him to come to kill her for her testimony that put him away. Trained in martial arts, she's ready. All Janis wants is closure. Janis Mckenzie , is a blond, beautiful and intelligent. She should have no trouble making friends. But s…