- 当一辆载有大部分女性乘客的巴士在巴伐利亚州的一个小村庄里盘旋时会发生什么?有趣的事,就是这样!有些滑雪教练只想被诱惑,被拖上床。还有塞普,他相信自己发现了一口油井。或者柏林的米勒校长呢,他意外成为了英雄?不管发生什么事,没有人会一个人睡……
- Emmy Ferguson is a 10-year old who learns that, after a long bout with leukemia, today is probably her last day on earth. Chris Ryan is a 35 year old drug addict who is determined to make this his last day. And Adonna Frost, suffering from advanced breast cancer, has made a similar decision about the end of her life. B…
- 安格莉卡AngeIika本身就是个性早熟的姑娘。受上个世纪70年代席卷西欧的性自由潮流的影响,寂寞难耐的她决定离家出走,去探索她向往的性经验,投身于层出不穷的爱欲游戏中。最终由于缺钱,她仗着年轻,走上了一条堕落之路,被送进管教院....