搜索 Brun

  • 动漫
    Directed by Florence Miailhe, a specialist of animated painting and winner of the 2002 César for her short film Au premier dimanche d’août, The Crossing is her first feature film, wholly painted. Written with bestselling French writer Mar…
  • 电影
    Where did we come from? What makes us human? An explosion of recent discoveries sheds light on these questions, and NOVA's comprehensive, three-part special, "Becoming Human," examines what the latest scientific research reveals about our hominid relatives.Part 1, "First Steps," examines the factors…
  • 电影喜剧
    Barbara (Larissa Manoela) and Talia (Thati Lopes) decide to exchange in the US. They have no idea of the obstacles and cultural shock. Barbara who always dreamed of visiting NY discovers they'll be living in the Town of Woodstock, NY. Two hours north of New York City. Accustomed to the comforts of her mother's home. Ba…
  • 电影
    This documentary series brings to life Egypt’s great pyramid builders and traces one remarkable century of epic construction at Giza, shining a light on the personal stories of individuals who took part in the construction of the pyramids …
  • 几年前,大佬(霍斯特·弗兰克 饰)为了利益,杀光了好朋友姜戈(特伦斯·希尔 饰)的一家。几年后,大佬为了名正言顺地掠夺平民的土地,将无辜的好人诬陷成罪犯,并将他们统统处以了绞刑。但是大佬不知道的是,执行绞刑的绞刑吏不是别人,正是当年死里逃生的姜戈,他不仅没有绞死那些人, 还将他们放走并组成了一支“秘密军队”,为的是除掉大…
  • 电视剧游戏
    时间来到17世纪,尽管欧洲已经进入到了现代的进程中,但人类对权力的渴望却永不会湮灭。手握强权的太阳王路易十四,即将把恐惧强力地推进到欧洲大陆的每一个角落。 本节目共六集…… 第1集 路易十四:太阳下的童年 第2集 马萨林:法兰西傀儡大师 第3集 路易十四:绝对的君主 无限的权力 第4集 奥尔良公爵菲利普一世:阴谋和战略同盟 第5集 路…
  • 电影
    Alex, a sound engineer, accidentally records mysterious voices: disturbing messages from the afterlife who warn him against an imminent and terrifying danger. Amanda, with whom he shares a terrible secret, re-emerges from his past. The appearance of the young woman triggers chilling paranormal phenomena that leave behi…
  • 动漫
    他是一只穿靴子的猫(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 配音),多年来行侠仗义,行走江湖,剑术高明,胆大卖萌,虽是官兵通缉捉拿的要犯,但从来都无所畏惧,泰然自若。在某个极不友好的小酒馆里,靴猫听说杰克(Billy Bob Thornton 配音)和吉尔 (Amy Sedaris 配音)这对雌雄恶棍拿到了传说中的魔豆,魔豆长出的豆荚直通巨人的宫殿,而那…
  • 富有的工业家丹蒂·比拉迪内里离开工厂时在女儿面前被绑架。鉴于绑匪的凶残本性,长官们要求万利瑞奥指挥的特种部队参与营救。也因此将患有严重心脏病的七岁女孩史戴拉和他的父亲分开了。父亲有一次让女儿失望,因为工作要求又不能陪女儿了。因为这次任务,万利瑞奥不得不从最勇敢的战士中选出最勇敢的四个人和他一起参加行动,尽管这四个人没有…
  • Barbara (Larissa Manoela) and Talia (Thati Lopes) decide to exchange in the US. They have no idea of the obstacles and cultural shock. Barbara who always dreamed of visiting NY discovers they'll be living in the Town of Woodstock, NY. Two hours north of New York City. Accustomed to the comforts of her mother's home. Ba…