- In a small backwater town, a trio of sadistic killers terrorizes the community as they continue a cross-country murder spree that's lasted over a year. As the police frantically begin a manhunt to stop them, the slayers encounter a mortal terror far beyond anything they could imagine. A dreadful game of survival ensues…
- 画家卡瓦拉多西因掩护政治犯被捕,为使恋人能够获救,歌剧明星托斯卡委身于警察总督斯卡皮亚。警察总督答应托斯卡进行一次假处决,托斯卡在拿到离境通行证后,趁其不备,将他刺死。黎明,卡瓦拉多西被带往刑场,谁料处决的枪支里放进了真正的子弹。卡瓦拉多西应声倒地,托斯卡绝望至极,纵身跳下高墙,一代红伶玉殒香消。