搜索 Bryan

  • Ashley lives in the fast lane until a handyman invades her life and she's directing a Christmas play for underprivileged kids. She runs into her ultimate soul mate. They may live happily ever after unless her step brother gets her killed.
  • When an underground radio DJ makes fun of a fading pop star who happens to listen to his show, the two begin an unlikely relationship. But difficult life and career crossroads jeopardize their idyllic New York romance.
  • The first ever Educational Institution and professional production house collaborative project made by students and faculty in cooperation with Industry Professionals to create a professional standard feature length film released into the domestic film theatrical market, as well as, screened globally in foreign estival…
  • 电影
  • 科里和尼尔森终于准备要买个正经的床来换掉他们的旧床垫。第二天,科里还没到达,尼尔森独自先进了“昏昏睡”床店,溜达一番后被店员拉到一张智能床跟前,这张智能床会问一系列私人问题来分析人的睡眠习惯,从而推荐适合的床垫,而尼尔森在答完几个问题后发现这张智能床其实超级八卦,面对智能床机活泼搞笑的提问,尼尔森只能兵来将挡,水来土掩…
  • Pictures From a Hiroshima Schoolyard is a documentary focused around a set of old Japanese children's drawings found in the closet of a member of All Souls Church in Washington, DC in 1995. Current parishioners unearth the dramatic story behind the drawings and discover that they were drawn in 1947 by students of a sch…
  • 电影