- Tony Marvin is a laid back but incredibly successful promoter and fair-haired boy for J. P. Todhunter's pineapple company located in beautiful Hawaii. He gets the company to sponsor a contest in which the winner gets a Hawaiian vacation and is obligated to write articles on the islands which, when published, will const…
- 《海军陆战队员》正式开拍系列第六部。第五部《杀戮战场》原班人马,包括导演詹姆斯·纳恩和主演迈克尔·米赞宁也已回归续集的制作。此部海军陆战队员讲述杰克·卡特和另一位前海军陆战队员卢克从国际犯罪组织手中被绑架的女孩的故事,