- Follows Reverend Jack Brooks and her daughter in Chapel Croft, a place for a fresh start that soon reveals its community's dark history and where ancient superstitions and mistrust of outsiders are quite common.
- 1938年,Madge Arwell在骑单车回家时救了自天空坠落的太空人(The 11th Doctor),而他回报她的方式是让她许一个愿望。1941年的战争中,她带着两个孩子逃出伦敦,在失去在外作战的丈夫音讯下,她撤退到一处乡下大宅,遇上了一位奇特的管家(The 11th Doctor),后来发现在管家的房间竟里有个大大的蓝色电话亭(博士的Tardis)!在圣诞节前夕,管…
- 根据艾玛·多诺霍撰写的同名小说改编,讲述在1859年的夏天,英国护士莉比(皮尤饰)来到爱尔兰的一个小村庄,看护一个神奇的女孩安娜·奥唐奈,据说她在禁食的情况下活了四个多月,人们对此深感意外,认为安娜是个难得一见的奇人。游客们纷纷涌来看望神奇女孩安娜,认为见她一面或者被她祝福就能获得某种神奇的护佑。《爱尔兰时报》的记者伯恩前来…
- Melilla, a Spanish enclave in Morocco, is a land border between the African continent and Europe. A buffer zone where European migration policies, their challenges and their consequences are read and shown. A place towards which converge the migrants of the Maghreb and the Sub-Saharan Africa. They are "those who b…