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  • 园丁和他有孕的老婆住在城市里,他们每天都被房东催要房租,园丁的老婆给他找了份农场的工作,农场偏僻离城市很远,农场里的上司行为怪异,园丁发现这农场经常发现怪异的事情,夜晚或者早上时有时无能看见黑色的影子,一心为赚钱养家的园丁也被慢慢的觉入了这个奇怪的现象里。
  • a sherlock home story adaption depicting mystery and crimes of a elite landlords house in a british aura
  • SNH48舞蹈小分队7SENSES专属纪实综艺,7SENSES的出道日记。
  • 电影
    在英国半工半读的小洁梦见梦中的男友竟是吸血鬼不觉害怕反倒异常兴奋。原来她根本就是个神怪迷,房间里都是怪物电影的海报与摆设,所以连做梦也想着能跟吸血鬼谈恋爱。 万圣节夜里,小洁从中餐馆打工离开,竟遭到小偷劫财劫色。阴差阳错之间,小洁被胖僵尸解救。胖僵尸慌乱逃走,兴奋的小洁穷追不舍。走街串巷后,小洁丢失了胖僵尸的行踪。原来…
  • As members of the Trump administration have raised the specter of a Muslim registry and instituted a immigration ban against people from Muslim majority countries, they have cited the unconstitutional incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II as the precedent. As the documentary And Then They Came for Us …
  • 电影喜剧
  • Corey "Beatdown" Brown is a champion underground fighter that decided to make big moves with his friend Jasper in the world of counterfeit money.
  • An amnesiac man is found running blood stained and half naked through the Brecon Beacons. Hunted by the police and military, is he a homicidal terrorist or innocent pawn?