搜索 Byeong

  • Ordinary housewife Ji-soo's (Jeon Cho-bin) dream is to be loved by her husband. Her husband T ae-joo (Park Jeong-hwan) is a rough debt collector who is unhappy about his sex life with his wife. Gangster Chang-soo (Jang Yong-seok) who makes videos from motels using a hidden camera under Detective Kang (Yeo Hyeon-soo) wh…
  • The illegal activities of a village magistrate are brought to the attention of the royal court and Cheon-su is sent to deal with the situation
  • Mi-yeong becomes the head of the family after her mother dies. Her older brother suffers from cerebral palsy and her younger brother is very ill. To make her finances stretch more, Mi-yeong commits her elder brother to a state run asylum while she takes a job in a brothel to earn money for her younger brother's medicin…
  • 韩国乡间农夫Man-taek已经三十八岁依然未婚, 性格仍是吊儿郎当, 对於女性更有着童年阴影'而不敢恭谨. 家中俩佬眼见邻居在中亚国家的乌兹别克相亲成功娶得美人归, 於是提议/强迫Man-taek也参加乌兹别克的徵婚旅行团. 感情同样未有着落的好友Hee-chul亦跟Man-taek一起远赴乌兹别克, 尝试寻找异国情缘. 两人抵达后, 便由女翻译员陪同相睇. M…
  • A dog-like guy keeping a cat, a cat-like girl keeping a dog and their sometimes sweet, sometimes sour love story.This film is Korea's and the world's first feature film shot 100% with an iPhone 4s.
  • SYNOPSISSun-young, a fashion model, accidentally runs a man over on a bicycle on her way home and flees the scene. Young-pyo witnesses the accident and blackmails Sun-young for sexual favors. Sun-young is in love with Cheol-min, the son of a wealthy businessman but she is unable to stop Cheol-min from taking advantage …
  • 电影剧情
  • 电影动作
    韩弼洙(李星民 饰)是名罹患阿兹海默症的脑瘤末期患者。在日本占领韩国时期,因为亲日派的关系,让他失去所有家人。在弼洙的妻子过世后,他打算去执行自己耗费60多年的时间所构思的复仇计划。于是弼洙委托他的忘年之交——20多岁的仁奎(南柱赫 饰),担任他一周的司机。毫不知情的仁奎跟着弼洙来到第一个复仇现场,没想到却被监视器拍到,成为…
  • 在钱面前法也是无用之物,用正义的名义审判罪证。前任国会议员金成泽巨额贪污无罪释放;商会会长的儿子周相云屡次涉嫌奸杀罪,均被用钱保释;金融大鳄宋太文从事政治黑金,用其势力打压对手,他们组成了巨大的罪恶之网,巨毒之势一再漫延。“在钱面前法也是无用之物,用正义的名义审判罪恶。”DRQ以正义者的身份出现,法律无法制裁的人渣一一被…
  • 汉城的红灯区,一位17岁的少女被人诓骗至此,她化名潘舞娌,操起了皮肉生意。舞娌很快从电视新闻跟街谈巷议中发现逃跑不可行,只得为偿还高利贷拼命工作,同时也见识着这风月场所的黑暗与混乱,某天,一名进城寻找工作的青年闯入了她的生活,但青年很快消失在人海中。不久总统遇刺,红灯区大受打击,舞娌离开汉城寻找出路,她不断更换着名字,在…