- 《极速前进越南版》(英语:The Amazing Race Vietnam,越语: Cuộc đua kỳ thú)是一个以美国真人秀节目《极速前进》为蓝本的越南版本。已有4季,S1为素人季,S2与S3为明星季(Celebrity Edition),S4为明星VS 素人季(Celebrity vs. TAR Fans Edition)节目内容为多队由两位本身有关系的越南人所组成的参赛队伍,游历越南及周边国…
- 一场足球赛、一次抢劫、一张婚纱照,足以构成日常生活中的荒诞。这部短片,用现实主义手法记录了城市中一天发生的事件,但其内核却宛如卡夫卡的经典小说《变形记》,男主角仅凭自己的力量对抗怪诞的世界。观众会对片中处于现代化与农业社会之间的世界倍感熟悉。本片入选2020年威尼斯电影节地平线短片单元。
- The story revolves around the relationship of the three main characters is China - a place criminals in prison, Kim - a nurse and Customs - one guy in particular illness. Us people delve into the lives of bisexual people living in modern society. Just like the other love in the world, through many storms, many challeng…