- A high school student named Brett Bumpers (Michael Weston) receives a mysterious package one day. He does not know who gave it to him, but after a while he finds out that the totem within the package can give him 3 wishes. When the most beautiful girl in school, Samantha, (Alexandra Holden) invites him to dance on the …
- 戴夫是个很有事业心的律师,他一心寻求合作伙伴.这时,有个很好的机会摆在面前,一个公司让他负责一个大案子.他欣然接受.没多久,戴夫发现,他之所以得到这个机会是因为客户认为他是同性恋.可为什么要让真相毁了这千载难封的好机会呢? 艺术开始了自己的混乱生活.变成了一个职场上的同性恋,生活中的异性恋~~~~