- 格蕾塔·葛韦格、米娅·华希科沃斯卡和约翰·特托罗确认加盟米娅·汉森-洛夫([将来的事])执导的英文片[伯格曼岛]。故事围绕美国一对从事电影工作的夫妻展开。他们曾于一个夏天,在启发了电影大师英格玛·伯格曼的地方为电影创作剧本,此次他们将故地重游。该片预计将在明年夏天开拍。
- A zany invitation to the workshop of the Swiss performance artist Johanna Monnier, who practices a form of therapeutic sculpture, using art to heal secret wounds. The film resembles a journey blending provocative poetry with eccentric mischief. It is a portrait of great sensitivity, stimulated by melancholic questions.
- "A Declaration Of Love" is a film that wants to bring into sharp focus what happens on a very intimate level to someone who survives the experience of being on death row. Curtis McCarty was sentenced to death in 1985 for a crime he didn't commit. He spent 22 years in prison, 19 of them on death row. Buried al…