搜索 Cala

  • 电影剧情
    Isolated in an empty house, Ian remains in grief over the loss of a woman he loved who died two decades ago. The memory clamoring to be released, and his daily existence turning ever darker, Ian will have to find a way to let her go.
  • 电影
    In a parallel world Pedro tries to hack his way into joining an exodus to another planet. While he dwells in his dreams and frustrations of being left behind he meets Eva, who challenges him and forces him to come to terms with his purpose
  • 电影
    Comme tous les films peut-être, Nous disons révolution, se déplace vers le futur. Un futur, dont le cinéma peut capter les intensités, les vibrations.   Et qui inspire l’art filmique à devenir un enjeu politique majeur.   Un documentair…
  • 电影生活
    本片的主角銀都戲院是泰國曼谷最後一座獨立電影院,有人認為這是東南亞碩果僅存的高級電影院。銀都戲院氣派典雅,自 1969 年開業以來,服務過幾代影迷。影片紀錄了 2020 年 9 月戲院拆卸的過程,以及工人的生活面貌。本片導演的父母曾在這家電影院工作,因此她亦無法迴避一段不堪回首的記憶。
  • 电影
    Luna and Adalberto, a beautiful young couple, discover they are expecting a baby, so the time has come for Adalberto to introduce his girlfriend to his noble family, which he is hesitant about. Is it because he has a vampire father, a witch mother, a ghost grandmother and a zombie uncle?
  • 美国战士
    2004年4月的一天,一支美军小分队在伊拉克巴格达巡逻。平静的清晨时光很快被震耳欲聋的枪炮声打破,小分队突然遭到当地武装分子的袭击。经过一番激烈交战,武装分子中数人伤亡,美军中士大卫•杰森(Michael Belisaro 饰)也身受重伤。战友的伤势严重,小分队的士兵们无法顾及其他,连忙带着大卫赶往最近的伊拉克医院。在医院内他们和恰好在此疗…
  • 橡木屋2020
  • 反社会超人
  • 艾米丽的神奇实验室第一季