搜索 Callie

  • Why did the world suddenly treat stuffed animals like gold? Ty Warner was a frustrated toy salesman until his collaboration with three women grew his masterstroke of an idea into the biggest toy craze in history. “The Beanie Bubble” is an inventive story about what and who we value, and the unsung heroes whose names di…
  • 电影剧情
  • 电影冒险
  • The movie opens with a young couple parked in a bleak, rural locale pondering their future, A giant gila monster attacks the car, sending the young couple running for their lives. Chase Winstead , a young mechanic and hot rod racer and his girl Lisa (Madeline Voges), meets up with Chase's former nemesis, Waco Bob (Jess…
  • A group of ghost hunters, locked inside an abandoned psychiatric hospital, attempt to solve a mystery involving a psychotic doctor in the 60's and his famous killing spree.
  • hree years ago, twenty-two year old "girl-next door" Rachel barely survived a brutal massacre that left all of her friends murdered. Time has passed, and Rachel has moved on, but unfortunately her close friends are spending Spring Break in a secluded house in the woods, and they have cordially invited her to …
  • Eté 1918. La guerre fait rage pour quelques mois encore, mais pour Charles et Angèle, elle est déjà finie. Lui, officier de cavalerie y a laissé une jambe. Elle, son infirmière à domicile, vient de perdre au front son grand amour, le pèr…
  • 被同学孤立的小女孩斯嘉丽为了逃避孤独,只身一人来到了僻静的森林中,并遇见了一个神秘的女巫。刚开始,她拒绝了女巫魔法的诱惑,但却与她成了好朋友并一直与她保持联系。直到她在大学里情窦初开,因恋上一个帅小伙而被一个女孩威胁之时,斯嘉丽决定向她的朋友女巫求助。究竟她的魔法能够满足她的愿望么?还是恰好相反,让她失去自己最爱的一切…
  • A group of amateur ghost hunters go missing as they journey into the bowels of an abandon Insane Asylum in a search for evidence of the 'Lady in White' said to haunt the grounds. The only evidence of their quest of no return are video cards discovered by workman as they demolish what's left of the vacant structures. So…
  • 辣女队医第一季
    《辣女队医》主要讲述了纽约长岛一位的性感的刚离婚的女强人Danielle Santino ,为维持生计而在一个职业橄榄球队里担任医师 。尽管处处被低估,她却成为那些知名人士所追捧的医师,出人意料的取得了成功。运动员,音乐家,政客以及其他知名人士都在自身危急时渴望她那独特的,严苛而又充满爱的治疗。作为刚离婚带着两个孩子的单亲妈妈,起初她的…