搜索 Calì

  • 芭比是一个宇宙公主,和她忠诚的宠物伙伴在遥远的宇宙中穿梭。有一天,一切都变了,闪烁的星星开始在天空暗淡。芭比前往一个美丽的新行星,加入一个特殊的救援队,肩负拯救星球的使命。曾经在那里,她与一群才华横溢的新朋友共同努力,冒险拯救银河系。芭比很快发现,如果顺从本心,以及在朋友们的帮助下,可能领导整个宇宙。
  • 廿四岁的卡拉·佐-艾尔是超人的表姊,同样出身氪星的她从十三岁起被丹弗斯一家收养。她本已习惯隐藏自己的能力,隐身在人类社会不起眼的角落;直至与其身世密切相关的邪恶势力现身地球,危及卡拉的至亲和全城的普通民众……
  • Au cours de l'été 1986, la comète de Halley termine sa course autour de la Terre, après 76 ans d'absence. Alors qu'un débris de météorite se désagrège dans l'atmosphère terrestre, Howard, Ana et Daryl, trois habitants de la petite vill…
  • Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin.关于肥胖,三高,心脏病的真相。低脂不是应对政策,果糖也不等于葡萄糖。
  • The daughter of a billionaire tech mogul questions her own memories about her mothers death after being kidnapped by a stranger.
  • Calinoarchitecte
  • 你没看过的戏剧表演,颠覆舞台剧与马戏团的表演传统。《梦幻舞马:卡瓦利亚》,奇幻呈现「人马一体」的世界级表演。全球最大巡回表演《梦幻舞马》跃上3D大萤幕,一睹卡瓦利亚马戏团融合马术、舞台艺术与高科技多媒体特效的绝妙演出!集结45名国际表演者及65匹马「人马合一」的亲密合作,在38公尺高的巨型白色帐篷与30万公升的水所打造而成之湖泊…
  • A successful matchmaker has suddenly lost the spark in her own marriage after 15 years, so Jennie insists her husband, Ian, to go on a blind date-with her. By rediscovering each other as "newly-mets," they get a second chance to fall in love for the first time all over again.转自:http://www.0527m.com/item-81330…
  • In April 2013, chaos erupted in Boston near the finish line of one of the world's oldest and most prestigious marathons. It was the worst terrorist attack on the United States since 9/11 and led to one of the most extensive and public manhunts in American history. Now, as the one-year anniversary approaches, National G…
  • 播放地址:http://www.awaker.hk/2014/07/12/the-united-states-the-psychics/這部影片是集合了六位美國靈媒/傳訊者的紀錄片,請他們以通靈的方式討論吸引力法則、神、生死、物質生命、沒有受害者、靈魂、指導靈、聖人與罪人、希特勒、光明與黑暗、喜悅過生活、愛自己、新意識的議題。影片裡頭所呈現的訊息與靈媒或許經過精心挑選,有著高度的整…