- Red North is getting by as a reliable small-time bush pilot in Canada's north. But Red's vindicative half-brother Paul Gerard decides to relocate his bush pilot business to the same lake, cutting into Red's routes. Which one is going to fly to the mining camp carrying that dangerous load of nitro?
- An alien space craft crash lands in one of the United Kingdom's busiest tourist towns and what follows is a crash course in how to survive the human world known as Earth.
- A bunch of college friends stop at the notorious Camp Blood on their way to a rock concert. But there is someone lurking in the woods nearby, ready to arrange one hell of a night for unfortunate campers.
- 繼跑步、單車、行山之後,香港人愛上露營!馬國明放假數天,與好友梁烈唯、唐詩詠商討假期安排。談論期間,有人問起「有乜好過去Camping?」,三人坐言起行,向歐洲第三大受歡迎之Camping國家德國出發。行程由慕尼黑出發,沿東北方向尋找不同形式的營地,以漢堡作終點站。 當地的營地接近大自然之餘,也以多元化見稱。三人走到德國參天大樹…