- 经过一番艰苦卓绝的努力,笨蛋相原琴子(美沙玲奈 饰)终于和学习、相貌、体能全部优秀的男友入江直树(佐藤宽太 饰)考上了同一所学校——斗南大学。不过入江被分配到群英毕集的理工学院,琴子则来到了号称“大学F组”的文学院。为了能和心上人在一起,琴子想方设法加入了入江所在的网球部。网球部训练艰苦,此外更有才貌双全的松本裕子(文音…
- Play as one; think as one; win as one. The road to glory is walked as a pack. When the Mexicanine Republic becomes the host for the World Canine Cup, the coach has one chance to put together the best team in history; but the new warriors will have to learn to put aside their differences and work as a team, to show thei…