- It's Kevin is a British television comedy show, created by and starring the actor and comedian Kevin Eldon. It was screened on BBC Two between March and April 2013.Following the first episode, Serena Davies writing for The Telegraph said "what was perhaps surprising about this show was its off-beat charm" and…
- When Taryn, a Northern Irish runaway, finds herself in trouble in Ocean City, MD, she seeks refuge with her aunt and uncle in Baltimore. But Kim and Bill have problems of their own: they're trying to handle the end of their marriage gracefully for the sake of their daughter Abby, just home from her first year of colleg…
- A touching comedy drama about 3 friends edging towards their mid thirties who, in an attempt to hang on to their carefree youth,embark on an attempt to write themselves into the history books by trying to host the world's longest house party.
- Recently sacked and interminably single, Carter is in a rut. So when he spies his beautiful ex-girlfriend through a library bookshelf, for a brief moment, things promise to get a whole lot better. But she is nine months pregnant. And about to go into labour.
- If you've ever longed for a movie about wrestling women who take on various monsters, this is it! Xochitl, the mummy, can turn into a snake or a bat, which is difficult to get half-Nelsons on. Loreita, the Golden Ruby, joins her sister to battle the evil Prince Fugiyata and her Oriental female wrestlers. The mummy is a…