搜索 Canyon

  • 這是PonyCanyon 10月21日發行的風景片。雖然曾在2007年推出過DVD版本,但是藍光版的畫質當然又更精進。本片內容為京都四季的景色,搭配柔美音樂,為療癒型影片。除了風景之外,還有包含了100個京都的各知名寺院、史跡,自然景點以及祭典。語言:英文、日文枚數:1枚影片格式:MPEG-4 AVC聲音格式:LPCM 96kHz / 24bit片面:一層時…
  • Two girls are driving home when their car breaks down in the country. They are kidnapped by a gang of drug-crazed hippies, and repeatedly raped. They escape, but soon run into a death cult who plan to gang-rape the girls, then kill them. Meanwhile, the father of one of the girls gets the police to begin an investigatio…
  • When four friends end up stranded in the small town of Spaulding, one local family offers help. The family's real motives become terrifyingly obvious, as the couples find themselves fighting for their lives.
  • In PUPPET MASTER XI - AXIS TERMINATION, the final chapter of the AXIS Saga, we find our heroic band of lethal puppets-BLADE, PINHEAD, TUNNELER, JESTER, SIX SHOOTER, and LEECH WOMAN, joining forces with a secret team of Allied Operatives, all masters of psychic powers, www.leshikan.com as they face off together against …
  • 电影战争
    纳粹德意志入侵美国,双方各逞其能,无所不用其极。漆黑之夜,手执武士刀的日本女子小津(Terumi Shimazu 饰)遭遇纳粹军官海因里斯·莫比乌斯(Scott King 饰),她将布袋中的掘进机交给对方,以求自保,结果反被射杀。在此之后,莫比乌斯命令弗瑞荷费博士(Oto Brezina 饰)进行制造超级战士的血清试验,而刚刚缴获的掘进机成为了博士开展实验…
  • 电影
    In PUPPET MASTER XI - AXIS TERMINATION, the final chapter of the AXIS Saga, we find our heroic band of lethal puppets-BLADE, PINHEAD, TUNNELER, JESTER, SIX SHOOTER, and LEECH WOMAN, joining forces with a secret team of Allied Operatives, all masters of psychic powers, as they face off together against a new bunch of ev…