搜索 Car

  • 电影
    What Nicholas (9) loves most is playing with his gang of middle school pals, The Invincibles. Adorable, yet mischievous, they have all sorts of adventures together and life could not be funnier. So when his dad gets promoted and announces that the family is relocating to the South of France, his world falls apart. Litt…
  • 电影喜剧
    薇达和杰克森是纽约著名变装皇后,获得到加州好莱坞参加选美的来回机票。两人遇到因落选而十分难过的罗琪琪。于是,两人便将机票卖掉,改租一部凯迪拉克敞篷车,并邀请罗琪琪共同前往加州好莱坞参加选美。 没料到车子途经一个小镇时抛锚,三个浓妆艳抹的男子被困在保守纯朴的小镇里。他们在这里 ,不但使镇民们眼界大开,让原本纯朴乏味的小镇,…
  • Kartenhaus
    The film is an intense drama about two and a half couples. Three girlfriends and two men meet with different intentions and have to realize just how little they really know about each other. On the beautiful island of Mallorca, the ugly truth reveals itself. No one actually wants that, it just happens. The house of car…
  • 电影历史
  • 电影剧情
    八十年代末,北方残败工厂。 保卫干事顾学兵(祖峰 饰)的生活一片狼藉。爱慕对象小金(秦海璐 饰)犹豫着去歌厅上班,他无可奈何;小金的儿子(周政杰 饰)梦想着加入匪帮,他无力阻拦;保卫科同事跟窃贼同流合污,他沉默不语。似乎一切都将在压抑中走向消亡。 谁都不知道,顾学兵在制造着一把枪,这似乎是他唯一的出口,然而这把枪最终将指向…
  • 电影剧情
  • 电影生活
    本片改编自民间传说,几个世纪以来,在不同的文化背景下,父母都会警告他们的孩子要小心传说中的Bagman。Bagman会把无辜的孩子抓走,塞进那肮脏腐烂的袋子里,再也没法回到父母身边。Patrick McKee小时候曾逃过此劫,但这给他的生活留下了永久的创伤。现在,Bagman又回来了,威胁着他妻子Karina和儿子Jake的安全。
  • Giulia mia cara! Giorgio
    "JULIA MY DEAR! GIORGIO." So begin and end the letters that the famous director Giorgio Strehler wrote to actress Giulia Lazzarini, before or after a performance. The last recommendations, the last nods of love and fear for his actors. Then Giulia is left alone on stage, she and her characters. The film start…
  • Vita da Carlo Te Terza Stagione
  • 电影
    Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself in a town plagued with violence and corruption. Facing brutal attacks from the police and mafia, Dominique must decide whether to protect herself or an innocent family tha…