- Abandoned in Patagonia, the alcoholic Valdivia lives off odd jobs, and mainly off petty theft. One day, while breaking into a car, he is caught by the owner. A strange relationship develops between him and the woman, a swimming instructor who also works nights in a bar. Soon, however, their affair comes to an end. Vald…
- Six college girls head to a remote cabin in the woods to study for finals only to be tested by a killer in the house.
- An anonymous high school student tracks down a high school teen hacker to humiliate his bully, getting him kicked out of the football team before state championship, but turns around when the FBI takes the move on them quick.
- Jill Danvers has been suffering panic attacks and blackouts since her husband left her. After she is followed home by a man wearing a distorted mask, Jill's mind flips between fiction and reality. Will Jill continue her breakdown until it destroys her? Or will she make one final house call to redeem her sanity and conf…
- Under Mann’s new venture, Michael Mann Books, the prequel will begin as a novel, and possibly be adapted into a film or television series. Just two days after that announcement, another project from Michael Mann Books is in the works: auth…